Adding forms to the Enlive Patient Forms app (Dentrix & Eaglesoft Users)

Adding forms to the Enlive Patient Forms app (Dentrix & Eaglesoft Users)

The Enlive Patient Forms iOS app comes with a few standard forms, including a Patient Information form and Medical History. Eventually, you'll want to add your own consent forms, office policies, and others. Follow these steps to add new forms to choose from on your iPad!

  1. Please make sure the Enlive Patient Forms app is running on your iPad. 

  2. Go to Enlive Windows Application in your taskbar at the lower right side of your screen.

  3. Right-Click the icon and select, "Load Forms onto iPads..."

  4. Select your iPad (iPad names will vary) and select "Load Forms" 

  5. Navigate to where you saved your converted forms and Select the Form you want to push to your iPad and select Open

  6. You should now see the form in your "Quick Queue" list in your iPad